
“We have been blessed in life with great opportunities and careers, and one of the many things we share in common is a strong preference for ‘life experiences’ over material possessions. We wanted to use our wedding as an opportunity to give others an educational experience and an adventure in a different culture.

We’re inviting you to join us in making a difference! Please donate generously to the Deborah & Srdjan Adventure Scholarship.

With love,

Deborah and Srdjan”

How to donate:
Cheques in US dollars, Canadian dollars or British pounds can be sent to:
DS Adventure Scholarship
534 Hudson Street, Apt 4E
New York, NY 10014 USA

Paypal donations in US dollars to

Note: paypal donations can be made in other currencies to this account, but paypal fees are 5.9%

Bank transfer in British pounds:
D Grant
Sort code: 406162
Account: 14660552

Cash donations in any currency can be given directly to Deborah & Srdjan or to their parents.